half sewn (2022)
Concept and Choreography
Sarah Poekert
Amy Foskett, Sarah Poekert, Daisy Winstanley, Jay Yule & Georgia Fletcher
Devised with creative input from the performers as part of the
One Year Residency at Space Clarence Mews with mentoring from Caroline Salem
“The really impressive choreography between the trio was intuitive and connected. This, coupled with the
costumes, made for something very young, fresh, provocative, sensual and actually quite bold”
– Fenella Ryan, Artistic Director Non-Applicables Dance Collective
“It felt like it was growth and acceptance of womanhood. The womb, the child, the sexualisation and the acceptance of age. The direct eye contact the performers gave confronted the audience with their vulnerability. A phenomenal experience which immersed you as a viewer into a constantly changing and ethereal space” – Alice Farrall, Writer
“The whole piece felt like a journey of women travelling together through some kind of uneven terrain with the length of the journey and time already passed being symbolized by the overturning of the cups. We started watching this ritual from the outskirts and somehow end up not only being a part of it but being watched ourselves like that was the plan all along. The piece ends with a very powerful scene where there is sudden physical touch and connection with the audience after them being confined for most of the work. This role reversal is very marking and commanding” –Merritt Millman, Choreographer/Filmmaker